Can You Install the Ubuntu OS Using SD Card?

Yes, you can install any OS by using an sd card.

Minimum System Requirement for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS:

  • 2 GB Ram
  • Dual-core processor
  • 25 GB Hard disk Space
  • Installer/bootable sd card reader

Step-by-Step Guide to Install Ubuntu 18.04

Step 01: Download Ubuntu 18.04 ISO file

You can download it here – download

Step 02: Create a Bootable Disk. You can use Rufus to create a bootable disk.

Create a Bootable Disk. You can use rufus to create a bootable disk.

Step 03: Boot from your sd card reader

Boot from your sd card reader

Step 04: You can try Ubuntu without installing or you can install by choosing the install option.

You can try ubuntu without installing or you can install by choose the install option.

Step 05: It’s important to select a keyboard layout. You can choose the keyboard layout by your region.

Choose the Keyboard layout. You can choose the keyboard layout by your region.

Step 06: Preparing to install Ubuntu & other Software.

Here you can choose installation types such as normal installation and minimal installation. Also, you can update the software while installing the Ubuntu.
You can install third-party software for graphics, hardware, and additional media formats.

to install Ubuntu & other Software.

Step 07: Allocate drive space.

Allocate drive space.

If you want to make a partition of your disk then you can choose the option something else. If you want to install Ubuntu in a single drive then go for the option Erase disk and install Ubuntu.

Step 08: Start the installation.

Click on the install now button then continue.

Start the installation

Step 09: Select your location.

If you are connected to the internet the location will be detected automatically or you can choose your location manually. Select “Continue” after that.

Select your location

Step 10: Log in Details.

Enter your Computer name and User name. Choose a strong password.

Log in Details.

Step 11: Final installation

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This is the final installation of Ubuntu 18.04 its version, it will take some time to complete the Installation depending on your system speed and internet connectivity.

Final installation

Step 12: Installation is complete.

Installation is complete.

Remove the card reader and restart the computer after the installation is finished.

Step 13: Sign in with your password

Enter your password to log in.

Sign in with your password

Explore the feature of Ubuntu 18.04

Explore the feature of ubuntu 18.04

Thank you

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