What is a WIFI FTP Server & How to use it?

The complete form of FTP is a file transfer protocol. It is a network-layer protocol. Also, it is used to transfer files from the client to the server. So, a WIFI FTP server is the kind of FTP server that uses WIFI as a transmission medium instead of a cable for transferring the files between the two nodes. In this blog post, we will study the WIFI FTP server and understand the methods to use it.

What is a WiFi FTP server?

It is an application program that transfers files between various devices. These devices can be smartphones, personal computers, laptops, or any node in the network. As its name implies, it uses WiFi as a transmission medium to do so. That means it does not use any physical media to do so. However, a user shall obey the following conditions for enabling the file transfer between two nodes via WIFI:


  • Both devices are connected to the same WiFi network.
  • The node acting as the FTP server should have the FTP server program installed on it.
  • The node acting as the FTP client should have the FTP client program installed on it.
  • The sending nodes and the receiving nodes shall have compatible settings with each other.
  • Firewalls are kept off so that they do not block the transfer.

Currently, there are many WiFi FTP servers available on the network. Some of them are discussed below.

Examples of the Wi-Fi FTP server:

  • One of the most common WiFi FTP servers is the FileZilla server. The server is compatible with Windows, Linux, and macOS.
  • The Core FTP server is also a famous FTP server. But it’s compatible only with Windows.
  • The FTP server is the software used on Android phones for file transfers.
  • My FTP server is an application used on Apple devices for file transfers.
  • Synology network-attached storage devices are also used as Wi-Fi FTP servers. They are used for secure file transfers among the network notes. They mostly serve individuals and businesses.

There are many other options available on the market, depending on the requirements of the customer.

Now we will discuss the detailed workings of the WiFi FTP servers.

Working of the Wi-Fi FTP servers:

The first and foremost step is to install the server software program on the device that will act as the server. These applications are available over the internet as per the needs of the users and compatibility with the devices. So, they are installed on the corresponding websites.

  • Next, the user will have to configure the settings associated with the server. For example, the user will have to set the login authentication and port number, etc.
  • Next, the user will install the client-side FTP software on the device that will act as the FTP software. These applications are available over the internet as per the requirements of the user and compatibility with the device acting as a client.
  • Next, the user will add server-side information like the user name and password to the client-side application. Once connected, the files are ready to transfer between the client and the server.
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These servers are used for various purposes. Some of them are as follows:

Uses of the FTP servers:

1. Convenient Transfer of Files:

It is convenient to transfer files between the network nodes. The size of files can vary according to the needs of the user. They are suitable for both small-size and big-size file transfers.

2. A friend for travelers:

If the user is traveling and wants to access the files from his personal computer, one of the simplest routes to take is this one.

3. Backup storage:

WiFi FTP servers are used as backup storage too. WiFi FTP servers can store the important files of a user, which are assessed later as per their needs.

4. Access the huge media files:

If a user has a large media library in the form of pictures, videos, movies, etc., they have access through the FTP server app.

5. Use in group projects:

WiFi FTP servers have been used in group projects as well. A WiFi FTP server can act as a common space for sharing documents and other resources associated with group activities.

6. Synchronizing the files:

If some users are working on the same files for a project, then these files are synchronized. WiFi FTP servers are used to keep the files up-to-date for the users.

7. In business-to-business activities:

Businesses can use the server for sharing files with their clients as well as for business-to-business activities. Then, these files are shared as common files. But they can also be individualized.

8. Use in IT and tech support:

The WIFI FTP server carries an important role in IT and technology support. It helps manage the files and applications on the user’s device.

9. Device Migration:

WiFi FTP servers have important uses if the user wants to migrate from one device to another. They can transfer their data to the FTP server application from the source device. Then the user can download it to the destination node.

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10. Alternatives to cloud storage:

It is a good alternative to cloud storage. Cloud storage is not just costly; it carries security concerns as well. The user can store their data on the WiFi FTP server instead of the cloud. It is a cheap and secure alternative.

11. Remote monitoring:

The WiFi FTP server has been used for remote monitoring as well. Suppose a user wants to access the videos and pictures stored on the camera at their home or office. The user will just need to install the client and server software applications on the devices on both sides.

12. Automate the file transfer:

Now suppose a user wants to automate the file transfer between the two nodes of the network. The user can easily do this by installing a script that automatically transfers the files between the client and server at regular intervals.

13. Host a website:

Consider a situation in which a user wants to host his website on his server. This is a lot of use to website developers for testing the website on their own before launching it.

14. Access many printers with the same device:

If a user wants to access different printers on the local network, The user can install a WiFi FTP server. This server will accept the requests of multiple devices and channel them to a single printer. This will save the user’s resources.

Keep track of all the versions of the file.

Suppose a user wants to keep track of all the versions of a file. A WIFI FTP server can be used to store all the versions of a file. Thus, a user can go back to any version of the files they need later. The user can also track the modifications in the file over time.

  • Uses in research:
    The WiFi FTP server has been used in research as well. It can collect real-time data from various devices, including the Internet of Things, sensors, etc.
  • Used for personal data storage:
    It can also be used for personal data storage. It can act as a user’s cloud storage device. The user can access the files anywhere on the internet.
  • Use in promotional activities:
    It can be used to store marketing materials like digital posters and commercials for businesses.

Thus, Wi-Fi FTP servers have been used in the diverse domains of digital life. The choice of use depends on the requirements of the user. Using the WiFi FTP server has many advantages. Let us discuss a few of them.

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Advantages of using a WiFi FTP server over other options:

  • Ease of access: The user can access the files they desire anywhere across the internet by using the Wi-Fi FTP server. The user can also share the files with anyone. File sharing is thus independent of the location.
  • Secure transfer of the data: The WIFI FTP server transfers the data securely. It has options to embed authentication to access the data. Moreover, the user has more control over the data, as she can access it as she wants.
  • No constraint of size: There is no constraint over the size of a file the user wants to transfer. It can be small or large and is independent of the storage of the devices on which client and server applications are installed.
  • Customization of server: The user can also customize the settings of the server as per their needs. For example, users can set up automatic file transfers between the client and the server.
  • Cheap and affordable: Many other options for WiFi FTP servers are costly. For example, cloud-based storage is costly compared to using FTP servers.
  • 6. Easy file management: WiFi FTP servers have options for organizing the files in the user’s system.
  • Easily scalable: These servers can be scaled to any level, depending on the needs of the user.
  • Easy file transfer: Since file transfer Is over WIFI, it does not require any physical handling of cables, etc.

However, these servers come with some shortcomings as well. Let’s discuss them one by one.

Shortcomings of WIFI FTP servers:

  • Not all devices are compatible with the WiFi FTP server. It lays the foundation for the functioning of the FTP server.
  • Speed limitation: The effectiveness of the FTP server regulates the file transfer’s speed. Distance is also a limitation of WiFi.
  • Setting up a server is a complex task. It needs a lot of technical knowledge to set up the Wi-Fi FTP server. A common person cannot do it.


Thus, Wi-Fi FTP servers are an easy, cheap, and reliable way to transfer files between devices over a WiFi network. It has certain limitations, some of which can be avoided with a little effort. Overall, it’s good for transferring as well as managing files.