How To Fix Lag in My PC Occurred By Unwanted Several Background Activities and Auto Run Every Program on Every Boot?

Sometimes, a user’s computer faces issues like delay or slowness in their computer’s performance. In this case, we are dealing with lagging. When a user’s computer lags, it takes longer than usual for programs in their computer to load, respond to user input, or execute commands.

The user experience is hampered by lags. When it happens frequently or with critical programs, it impacts the computer’s productivity. We will learn about the reasons for lagging in computers and how we can fix them in this blog.

Common causes of Lagging in the user’s computer:

Let us first see some of the common causes of lagging in a computer along with ways to fix them.

01. The user’s computer system may have too many unwanted background activities:

Sometimes the user’s computer has too many background activities. That, causes the user’s computer to slow down or become unresponsive.

  • The user Should find the culprit. They should open the task manager in Windows or the Activity Manager in macOS to see which processes are using the most CPU, memory, or disk resources. This will help them to identify the programs or services running in the background and using up system resources.
  • The user should disable unnecessary startup programs. There are some programs that automatically launch when a user starts up the computer system. These programs slow down the boot process of the system.
  • The user should close the unnecessary programs, that a user is not using. The resources used by these programs can be quite high at times.
  • The user should also uninstall unnecessary software. An unnecessary system can take up a lot of valuable resources of the system.
  • Additionally, power settings should be optimized for performance rather than battery life on the computer.
  • The user should ensure that they keep their operating system and drivers up to date.
  • The user can also use a system cleaner or any optimization tool to remove temporary files and other clutter that accumulates over time.
  • A good anti-virus program should also be used to scan for and remove any background malware or viruses.

02. The user’s device may have every program auto-run on every boot:

Sometimes, the user’s device has some programs automatically run on every boot. It slows down the boot process and may also consume system resources unnecessarily.

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The user can disable this feature on Windows by the following technique:

  • The user will press “Windows Key+R” to open the Run dialog box.
  • The user will see a list of programs that run automatically on every boot.
  • The user will restart her computer to apply the changes.

The user can disable auto-run programs on macOS by following the technique:

  • The user shall look for the Apple Menu.
  • The user shall then select system preferences.
  • The users shall then click on “users and groups”.
  • The user shall then choose her account.’
  • The user shall then look for the “login items” tab.
  • The user will see a list of programs that run automatically on every boot.
  • The user then selects the program they want to disable and then clicks on the “-” button to remove it from the list.
  • The user shall repeat the previous step for any other programs they want to disable.
  • The user shall close the “users and groups “windows to save the changes.
  • The user shall then restart the computer to apply the changes.

03. The user’s system might have insufficient hardware resources:

Sometimes the user’s computer has insufficient hardware resources. For example, the computer has low RAM or the processor is too old to handle modern applications. It causes lagging too. The user can resolve these problems by following these methods:

  • The user shall upgrade the hardware by adding more RAM.
  • The user shall upgrade the processor or replace an old hard drive with a solid-state drive.

04. The user’s device has outdated software:

The user’s device might be running outdated software or drivers. There is a compatibility issue and conflicts with other programs as a result. This leads to lagging in the user’s computer. Following the method will help the user resolve this issue.

  • Updates should be performed on the operating system, drivers, and software by the user.

05. The user’s system has malware or viruses.

This is also a major cause of lagging. The user’s computer may have viruses or malware infections. A malware infection can slow down a user’s computer significantly. Updates should be performed on the operating system, drivers, and software by the user. The user shall solve this problem by the following method.

  • The user shall use a reputable anti-virus program to scan and remove any malware or viruses.
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06. The user’s computer has a problem with overheating:

Sometimes the user’s computer overheats due to different reasons. A computer that is overheating can slow down or even shut down to prevent hardware damage. As a solution, here are the steps.

  • The user shall clean the dust from the fans and heat sinks.
  • The user shall ensure proper ventilation.
  • The user shall also consider replacing the thermal paste.

07. The user’s computer might have unnecessary background activities.

Sometimes, the user’s computer runs too many programs or background activities. They consume so many system resources and cause lagging. Here is the solution for the unwanted activities in the background.

  • The user shall be the culprit using the Task Manager or Activity Monitor.
  • The user shall also disable any unnecessary start-up programs or services.

08. The user’s hard drive is fragmented.

As time passes, the hard drive of a user’s computer becomes fragmented. This causes slow performance. The solution to the problem is as discussed follows.

  • The user shall run the built-in disk defragmenter.
  • Defragmentation of the hard drive can also be performed with a third-party tool.

To diagnose and fix the problem, however, the user should consult a professional technician if none of these solutions work. The user shall seek the help of a good service provider for a better solution.

Relevant Questions:

Question 1: What can cause a user’s PC to lag?

Answer: The user’s computer can lag due to many factors. A few of them are lack of processing power or RAM, outdated or malfunctioning hardware components, software conflicts, viruses or malware, or an overloaded network connection.

Question 2: How can a user check if her PC is experiencing lag?

Answer: The user can check the PC’s performance by using the built-in Task Manager Tool on Windows. The user shall press ctrl+Shift+Esc to open Task Manager. The user shall look at the CPU and memory usage for each application and process running on your PC.

Question 3: How can a user fix lag caused by outdated hardware components?

Answer: If the user’s hardware is outdated or malfunctioning, they shall upgrade or replace it. A solid-state drive would be a better alternative to a hard drive that is old, or more RAM, or an upgraded graphics card.

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Question 4: How can a user fix a lag caused by software conflicts?

Answer: The user can resolve the software conflicts by uninstalling or disabling the conflicting programs or processes. Also, the user shall update the software or drivers to the latest version or reinstall them completely.

Question 5: How can a user fix lag caused by viruses or malware?

Answer: The user shall run a full system scan using a reputable antivirus or anti-malware program. So, this should detect and remove any malicious software that causes lag on your PC.

Question 6: How can a user fix lag caused by an overloaded network connection?

Answer: If the user is experiencing a lag in online games or applications. The user shall try to optimize the network connection by closing any unnecessary programs or browser tabs. The User can also use a wired connection instead of Wi-Fi.

Question 7: Give some tips to the user for fixing lag on their computer.

Answer: The user shall disable any unnecessary programs, clear the PC’s temporary files and cache, and optimize the PC’s power settings for maximum performance.

Question 8: Define unwanted background activities in a computer.

Answer: Unwanted background activities are any programs or processes that are running on the user’s computer without any knowledge or consent. They can, however, experience slow computer performance, a build-up of resources, and a potential compromise of security and privacy as a result of these activities.

Question 9: How can a user identify the unwanted background activities on their computer?

Answer: The user can identify unwanted background activities by opening the Task Manager on a Windows computer or the Activity Monitor on a Mac. Then, the user shall look for any processes or programs that they do not recognize or that are using a lot of resources.

Question 10: Describe some common causes of unwanted background activities.

Answer: Some common causes of unwanted background activities are caused by malware, adware, spyware, and other types of malicious software. They can also be caused by legitimate programs that are configured to run in the background or that have been installed without their knowledge.